The Council shall enact and maintain a zoning ordinance regulating land use and development as provided for by State statute.
The Zoning Board of Appeals hears and decides appeals on zoning issues. Powers, duties, and procedures are set by State Law and City Ordinance.
Zoning Board of Appeals Bylaws
Zoning Board of Appeals Members (3 year terms)
- Elyse Bertucci
- Richard Burke
- Evelyn Valente-Heikkila
- David Johnson
- Brooke Routhier, Alternate
- VACANT (Alternate Board Member)
*The current Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Enabling Act statutorily require two alternate members of the Zoning Board of Appeals be appointed in the event of an appeal involving a Planning Commission decision or an absentee member(s).
The Zoning Board of Appeals meets as needed.
Meetings will be posted.
Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes