Police Department
Chad Radabaugh
Chief of Police
Address: 100 S. Lake Street
Non-emergency phone number: 486-4416
If you would like to contact a member of the Ishpeming City Police Department you may call 906-486-4416 or by their listed email. Your contacts can remain anonymous and the department welcomes any tips you may provide that will help to improve the quality of life in the City of Ishpeming.
Email Ishpeming Police Department at:
Police Chief Chad Radabaugh policechief@ishpemingcity.org
Detective Sergeant Brandon Nylander brandonnylander@ishpemingcity.org
Sergeant Kirby Frantti kirbyfrantti@ishpemingcity.org
Sergeant Justin Bianco justinbianco@ishpemingcity.org
Officer Brent Zaborowske brentzaborowske@ishpemingcity.org
Officer Anthony Dishaw tonydishaw@ishpemingcity.org
Officer Conner Bryant connerbryant@ishpemingcity.org
Officer Shane Dugan shanedugan@ishpemingcity.org
Officer Jacob Peterson jacobpeterson@ishpemingcity.org
Dispatcher Roger Pietro ishpemingpd@ishpemingcity.org
Overnight City Street Parking Prohibited
Overnight parking is prohibited on all City streets between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. during the period of November 1st to April 30th. Violators shall be subject to a fine.
Parking Lot Rules
Overnight parking in all designated parking lots and in the south Senior Citizens Center parking lot is prohibited from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. during the period November 1 to April 30, except as follows:
- A person displaying a parking permit on his or her vehicle may park such vehicle overnight in such parking lots.
- A parking permit allowing overnight parking in such parking lots is available for purchase at City Hall; the fee for such permit is $25.00 per month. The permit shall be hung on the inside rear view mirror and be visible through the windshield of the vehicle.
- Any vehicle parked between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. in said parking lots during the period November 1 to April 30 without a permit, or with an expired permit, may be towed away at the direction of the Ishpeming Police Department, and the owner, operator or person in charge of such towed vehicle shall be required to pay all costs associated with the towing and storage thereof. In addition, thereto, the owner, operator or person in charge of such vehicle shall also be subject to a $50.00 fine.