Iron Ore Heritage
Recreation Authority
The Iron Ore Heritage Trail is a 47-mile, multi-use, year round trail that connects communities and people to the region’s historic sites and human stories. The trail was designed for walkers, bikers, runners, inline skaters, wanderers, horseback riders, people in wheelchairs, snowmobilers, history buffs,
ORVs, cross country skiers, shutterbugs, and explorers. But take notice, not all of the trail is open to all users. Please see the ORV, bike, and snowmobile maps for where you can get on and ride.
The trail follows mostly abandoned railroad corridors that were used to bring lumber to furnaces and forges and iron ore to the Lake Superior Harbor.
Iron Ore Heritage Recreation Area
Attn: Carol Fulsher, Administrator
P.O. Box 763
102 W. Washington Street, Suite 232
Marquette, MI 49855
Phone: 906.235.2923
Website: Iron Ore Heritage Trail
2023 Meeting Schedule
Usually held 4th Wednesdays of the Month
All meeting times are 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm.
Date Location
Wednesday, January 25 Ishpeming Senior Center,
Wednesday, February 22 Ishpeming Senior Center
Wednesday, March 22 Ishpeming Senior Center
Wednesday, April 26 Annual Meeting Ishpeming Senior Center & Congress Pizza
Wednesday, May 24 Ishpeming Senior Center
Wednesday, June 28 Ishpeming Senior Center
Wednesday, July 26 Ishpeming Senior Center
Wednesday, August 23 Ishpeming Senior Center
Wednesday, September 27 Ishpeming Senior Center
Wednesday, October 25 Ishpeming Senior Center
Wednesday, November 29* Holiday Inn Express, Marquette Township
Wednesday, December 20** Ishpeming Senior Center
*5th Wednesday due to Thanksgiving
**3rd Wednesday due to Christmas Holiday Week